I got home a little bit early so that I could eat, stretch, and then get to my hockey game without rushing. It’s the playoffs after all. I got home maybe a little bit too early! With some time to kill before dinner, I decided to play a few minutes of WiiFit which I had borrowed from Ben. After a few minutes of same old exercises, I unlocked the Snowboard Slalom. Cool! First time through, I missed a bunch of the gates which resulted in time penalties. Second time through, I got an even slower time than my first attempt. I kept trying over and over again, but I wasn’t getting any better. So after, I finished my last run, I hopped off the WiiFit board and kicked the sofa in frustration. It wasn’t even a hard kick. It’s just that I was expecting the sofa to be very soft, but found a spot that was very hard. It felt like I had stubbed my toe. But when the pain wouldn’t subside I knew it was much, much worse. I guess I get to visit the doctor’s office tomorrow to figure out how badly I hurt my big toe on my left foot. Oh boy, I can’t wait to tell my teammates why I missed our playoff game.